Developing a WordPress website for Newday Database Technology, Inc


Designing and developing one-page WordPress website for Newday Database Technology, Inc. An innovative enterprise excelling in the realm of database management systems, boasting proprietary futuristic technology.

Client :

Newday Database Technology, Inc

Methodologies employed :

WordPress Development
User Interface Design
User Experience Design
Brand Identity


NewDay Database Technology, Inc., is an emerging enterprise in Silicon Valley, they have patented revolutionary technology in JSON SQL relational database market. With this innovation, they target a rapidly expanding sector in database management projected to surpass $122 billion by 2027, which is driven by escalating data volumes in social media, e-commerce, and high-tech industries. As part of their branding strategy, we aimed to develop a sleek design that effectively highlights their overarching innovation in database management.

The Solution

NewDay Database Technology underwent execution in two distinct phases, each meticulously crafted to accomplish distinct objectives. In the first phase, they aimed for a simple WordPress design that is streamlined, compressing all website elements into a single landing page for clarity and accessibility. After finalizing the design, we transitioned to phase two, where significant changes were made to their user interface. This included a logo redesign for a better outlook, integration of a highly responsive 'Contact Us' button, and simplification of the sitemap to emphasize their patented technology, removing complex elements for improved comprehension.